Contact Us
Manage your account online:
Self Service
Payment enquiries via telephone:
Local: 0800 400 008
International: +64 9 558 2630
Contact Us Form
Your Reference Number must be nine numbers
Thanks for submitting!
Recoveries Corporation NZ Ltd
NZBN: 9429050686155
Australian Local Calls: 1300 663 060
Overseas: +64 9 929 2753
PO Box 9589
Newmarket, Auckland 1031
In the event that you have difficulty communicating with recoveriescorp due to language barriers, we will assist you where possible, by providing an interpreter who speaks your primary language.
For customers with hearing or speech impairment or disability, you may obtain free assistance through the government initiated National Relay Service (NRS) by contacting 133 677.
Compliments and Complaints
Making sure we hear your voice
Recoveriescorp welcomes your feedback. If you have a compliment or a complaint related to your experience with our office we invite you to share this with us. You can do so here or by calling us on 0800 733 707 between 8:00am and 7:00pm (NZST/NZDT), Monday to Friday.
To allow us to promptly assist you, please have your reference number when calling or contacting us.
While we endeavour to do our best in resolving all complaints, in circumstances where you are not satisfied with the outcome of our internal dispute resolution process, you may:
Escalate the complaint within the recoveriescorp management structure; or
Lodge a complaint with Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL).
Please click here to view our Public Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure for information on how we can assist you.